On chemical and synaptic brains and the evolution of nervous systems

Universität Bonn, Institut für Physiologie

Gáspár Jékely

Centre for Organismal Studies, Heidelberg University


Evolution of nervous systems


Kilias, 1985


Kellogg, 1903


Jefferys, 1763

When did the first nervous systems evolve and how did they work?

Budd & Jékely

Detlev Arendt

Dickinsonia costata

What is a nervous system?

  • consists of cells (neurons, glia etc.)
  • neurons are excitable
  • neurons can influence each others activity
  • and the activity of effectors

  • connections are specific
  • organised into a complex network (connectome)
  • some neurons may be sensory

Origin of the nervous system as a reflex arc?

George Howard Parker (1864 - 1955)

  • independent effectors evolved first
  • then receptor-effector systems
  • then organisation into nerve nets

Neuronal communication by chemical signals?

  • argued against the “connectionist view”
  • proposed instead that neurons could communicate by specific chemical signals
  • like a radio broadcast
  • chemicals diffuse through the nervous system
  • detected by specific chemical receptors in the target cells
  • communications could occur in the absence of synaptic transmission
  • discovery of pituitary hormones (1950ies)

Paul Alfred Weiss (1898 – 1989)

Chemical signalling between cells

  • some cells release a chemical (e.g. short peptide)
  • other cells express a specific receptor for the chemical
  • receptor activation -> change in cell state
  • a specific cell-to-cell signalling is possible
  • no synaptic connection

The chemical brain hypothesis

  • several cell types, each expressing a different chemical signal
  • several specific receptors expressed in target cells
  • chemical ‘wiring diagram’
  • no synaptic connection

Chemical connectomes

  • sending and receiving cells
  • a chemical connectivity matrix
  • can be arbitrarily complex

Chemical connectomes

  • co-expression of chemical signals or receptors
  • combinatorics, cascades
  • synergism, antagonism

What was in there?

Dickinsonia costata

Marine animal models


Placozoa – no synapses, many peptides

Trichoplax adhaerens

  • placozoans - simplest animals
  • no neurons, no muscles
  • upper and lower ciliated epithelium
  • many neuropeptide-like molecules

  • few morphological cell types

Placozoa – no synapses, many peptides

  • neuropeptides are expressed in specific cell populations
  • non-overlapping expression
  • over 30 proneuropeptides

  • peptidergic cells tile the epithelium

Placozoa – peptide effects

  • neuropeptides influence placozoan behaviour

LF peptide

Placozoa – peptide effects

SIFGamide peptide

WPPF peptide

Identification of placozoan neuropeptide GPCRs

Large-scale GPCR-peptide screen in Nematostella

  • mass spec for small neuropeptides
  • 64 peptides derived from 33 neuropeptide precursors

Neuropeptide transmitter systems in cnidarians

  • over 1000 GPCRs in the Nematostella genome
  • screened 161 Nematostella GPCRs
  • 31 receptors specifically activated by one of 14 peptides

Independent diversification of receptor-peptide systems

  • at least 8 ancestral cnidarian families of peptide GPCRs
  • independent divergence from bilaterian receptors
  • no one-to-one orthologs to bilaterians
  • prediction of receptor-ligand pairs across many cnidarians

The multilayer peptidergic connectome of Nematostella

  • every node is a cell type from scRNAseq data
  • links connect peptide-expressing with receptor-expressing cells
  • different colours represent different peptide-receptor pairs
  • highly peptidergic nervous systems

Neuropeptides can induce behaviour in cnidaria

Hydra vulgaris

Hym-248 neuropeptide induces somersaulting

A peptidergic model for Hydra somersaulting

What about bilaterians?

Caenorhabditis elegans

- discovery of 461 peptide-GPCR pairs

The connectome is multilayered

Ok, but the cortex…

- 37 cognate NPP/NP-GPCR pairs (at least 37 layers)

Platynereis dumerilii

  • breeding culture
  • embryos daily
  • genome sequence
  • microinjection, transgenesis
  • neuron-specific promoters and antibodies
  • knock-out lines
  • neuronal connectome
  • neuronal activity imaging

Platynereis dumerilii

movie by Albrecht Fischer

Synchronously developing larvae

Whole-body volume EM of an entire three-day-old larva

Whole-body connectome of a segmented annelid larva

The nervous system of the larva

~2,000 neurons

Synaptic connectome

Many peptides and modulators in the circuit

Multiplex immunogold for neuropeptides in the EM volume

Large-scale mapping of neuromodulatory networks

The connectome is multilayered

UV response in Platynereis larvae

UV-responding brain ciliary photoreceptors (cPRCs)

No UV avoidance in c-opsin1 knockouts

No cPRC response in c-opsin1 knockouts

Circuitry of ciliary photoreceptors

Circuitry of ciliary photoreceptors

Strong cPRC activation after UV exposure

Nitric-oxyde synthase in postsynaptic interneurons

      HCR in situ          Transgenic labelling        Immunostaining

NO is produced in the neuropil after UV stimulation

NOS mutants have altered cPRC response

NOS mutants have altered INRGW response

NOS mutants show defective UV avoidance

An unusual guanylyl cyclase in the cPRCs

NIT-GC1 protein

An unusual guanylyl cyclase in the cPRCs

NIT-GC morphants have altered circuit activity

Mathematical modelling of the circuit

Model fitting

wild type
NIT-GC2 mo.

Integration and memory of UV exposure

Synaptic and chemical signalling work together


  • Sanja Jasek
  • Alexandra Kerbl
  • Emily Savage
  • Simone Wolters
  • Lara Keweloh
  • Kevin Urbansky
  • Karel Mocaer
  • David Hug
  • Benedikt Dürr
  • Emelie Brodrick (Exeter)

Former lab members

  • Kei Jokura, Luis A. Bezares-Calderón, Luis A. Yanez-Guerra, Victoria Moris, Daniel Thiel, Albina Asadulina, Cameron Hird, Adam Johnstone, Markus Conzelmann, Nadine Randel, Philipp Bauknecht, Martin Gühmann, Cristina Pineiro-Lopez, Nobuo Ueda, Aurora Panzera, Csaba Verasztó, Elizabeth Williams