Insights into circuit evolution and cell-type diversity from the whole-body connectome of the Platynereis larva
EED2024: — Neuro-evo-devo I: Emergence of neural structures
Gáspár Jékely
Centre for Organismal Studies, Heidelberg University
Nervous systems evolved in the sea
Zooplankton behaviour
- UV avoidance
- thermosensing
- settlement
startle response
- ciliary coordination
- chemosensing
- flow sensing
- pressure response
Platynereis dumerilii
- breeding culture
- microinjection, transgenesis
- neuron-specific promoters and antibodies
- knock-out lines
- neuronal connectome
- neuronal activity imaging 😎
Whole-body connectome of a segmented annelid larva
Neural circuit of the visual eyes
Diversity of larval eyes
In quest of the origin of eyes
-> ERC-funded postdoc position
ZooCell - MSCA Doctoral Network (2024-2026)
- 10 labs (EU, UK)
- vEM of marine invertebrates
- evolution of cell types
- integrate with molecular atlases
Thin serial sectioning into ribbons
High-throughput volume EM
Coral larvae
In collaboration with Kirsty Wan (LSI Exeter) and Jamie Craggs (Horniman Museum)
Coral larvae
Emelie Brodrick
Rebecca Poon & Kirsty Wan
Coral larvae react to light
Light-off induces contraction and ciliary arrest
A coral larval nerve net - simplest nervous system?
A coral larval nerve net - simplest nervous system?
Hydrozoan larval phototaxis
Jeff Goddard, iNaturalist
GJ & Jürgen Berger
Field trips to explore marine plankton
Ischia, Sorgeto, 2024
Field trips lead to unexpected discoveries
with Alexandra Kerbl, Ischia May 31, 2024
What is this??
with Alexandra Kerbl, Ischia May 31, 2024
Egg plates and Müller’s larvae of polyclad flatworms
-> brought them back to Heidelberg
Planocera ceratommata
But are we sure…?
Müller’s larvae are phototactic and have three eyespots
Rhabdomeric and ciliary photoreceptors
Müller’s larva
Müller’s larvae have a ciliomotor nervous system
Ciliomotor system in Platynereis
24 ciliomotor neurons
2 Cholinergic Loop neurons
Comparative connectomics of marine larvae
- Sanja Jasek
- Alexandra Kerbl
- Emily Savage
- Simone Wolters
- Lara Keweloh
- Kevin Urbansky
- Karel Mocaer
- David Hug
- Benedikt Dürr
- Ira Maegele
- Emelie Brodrick (Exeter)
Former lab members
- Kei Jokura, Luis A. Bezares-Calderón, Luis A. Yanez-Guerra, Victoria Moris, Daniel Thiel, Albina Asadulina, Cameron Hird, Adam Johnstone, Markus Conzelmann, Nadine Randel, Philipp Bauknecht, Martin Gühmann, Cristina Pineiro-Lopez, Nobuo Ueda, Aurora Panzera, Csaba Verasztó, Elizabeth Williams