Neurobiology of marine zooplankton

Shimoda Marine Station
Oct 15, 2024

Gáspár Jékely

Centre for Organismal Studies, Heidelberg University

Ciliated zooplankton larvae

Volume EM with Array Tomograpy

Array tomography workflow

Array tomography workflow

Array tomography workflow

Array tomography workflow

Coral larvae

In collaboration with Kirsty Wan (LSI Exeter) and Jamie Craggs (Horniman Museum)

Coral larvae

Emelie Brodrick

Hannah Laeverenz

Rebecca Poon & Kirsty Wan

Coral larvae react to light

Light-off induces contraction and ciliary arrest

A coral larval nerve net - simplest nervous system?

Hydrozoan larval phototaxis

Jeff Goddard, iNaturalist

GJ & Jürgen Berger

Clava multicornis

Field trips to explore marine plankton

Ischia, Sorgeto, 2024

Field trips lead to unexpected discoveries

with Alexandra Kerbl, Ischia May 31, 2024

What is this??

with Alexandra Kerbl, Ischia May 31, 2024


Egg plates and Müller’s larvae of polyclad flatworms

-> brought them back to Heidelberg

Planocera ceratommata

Müller’s larvae are phototactic and have three eyespots

Emerging marine model organisms

Image: Patrick Steinmetz
Nematostella vectensis
Platynereis dumerilii
Trichoplax adhaerens

Platynereis dumerilii

  • breeding culture, full life-cycle
  • embryos daily, year round
  • genome sequence
  • microinjection, transgenesis
  • neuron-specific promoters and antibodies
  • knock-out lines
  • neuronal connectome
  • whole-body neuronal activity imaging
  • whole-animal pharmacology by bath application 😎

Platynereis dumerilii

movie by Albrecht Fischer

Synchronously developing larvae

Whole-body volume EM of an entire three-day-old larva

The nervous system of the larva

~2,000 neurons

Synaptic connectome

Visual phototaxis with 2-pixel eyes

Neural circuit of the visual eyes

Pressure response in Platynereis larvae

Precise control of pressure in the pressure chamber

Pressure response is graded

Swimming speed increases, trajectories straighten



Ciliary beating increases under pressure

Which cells respond to pressure?

Microscopy pressure chamber

Calcium imaging

Pressure is sensed by photoreceptors with ramified cilia

Photoreceptor responses to pressure are graded

Defects of pressure response in c-opsin1 mutants

Reduced ciliary compartment in c-opsin1 mutants

Defects of ciliary ultrastructure in c-opsin1 mutants

Circuit of ciliary photoreceptors

Circuit of ciliary photoreceptors

Circuit of ciliary photoreceptors

Serotonergic neurons to activate cilia

Ser-h1 neurons, EM reconstruction

Pressure increases ciliary beating through serotonergic cells

Mechanism of barotaxis

UV response in Platynereis larvae

UV avoidance is dependent on c-opsin1

How can cPRCs mediate two responses with opposing sign?

c-opsin1-dependent UV response

Strong cPRC activation after UV exposure

Nitric-oxide synthase in postsynaptic interneurons

HCR                        Transgenic labelling

NO is produced in the neuropil after UV stimulation

Kei Jokura (now @NIBB)

NOS mutants have altered cPRC response

NOS mutants show defective UV avoidance

An unusual guanylyl cyclase in the cPRCs

NIT-GC1 protein

An unusual guanylyl cyclase in the cPRCs

NIT-GC1 mediates NO-feedback

Mixed synaptic and volume signalling

Rhabdomeric and ciliary photoreceptors


Müller’s larva


  • Sanja Jasek
  • Alexandra Kerbl
  • Emily Savage
  • Simone Wolters
  • Lara Keweloh
  • Kevin Urbansky
  • Karel Mocaer
  • David Hug
  • Benedikt Dürr
  • Ira Maegele
  • Emelie Brodrick (Exeter)

Former lab members

  • Kei Jokura, Luis A. Bezares-Calderón, Luis A. Yanez-Guerra, Victoria Moris, Daniel Thiel, Albina Asadulina, Cameron Hird, Adam Johnstone, Markus Conzelmann, Nadine Randel, Philipp Bauknecht, Martin Gühmann, Cristina Pineiro-Lopez, Nobuo Ueda, Aurora Panzera, Csaba Verasztó, Elizabeth Williams