Recent presentations by Gáspár Jékely
Centre for Organismal Studies, Heidelberg University
“Evolutionary neurobiology of zooplankton larvae”
Presentation during the COS SAB Meeting – Current and future Research at COS (19-20 February 2025).
“Cell-type atlas and neuronal connectome of the Platynereis dumerilii three-day-old larva”
Evening lecture during the ZooCELL Practical Course: “Animal diversity and EM sample preparation” at COS and EMBL Heidelberg (03-14 February 2025).
“Large-volume EM and connectomics - An (incomplete) history of neuronal connectomics”
Presentation at the ZooCELL Practical Course: “Animal diversity and EM sample preparation” at COS and EMBL Heidelberg (03-14 February 2025).
“Analysis of the Platynereis dumerilii connectome with CATMAID and R”
Presentation at the 2025 V4SDB Winter School at ELTE (Jan 28, 2025).
“Open Science in (In)Action: Why, What, and How”
Presentation at the 2025 V4SDB Winter School at ELTE (Jan 28, 2025).
“On chemical and synaptic brains and the evolution of nervous systems”
Presentation at Universität Bonn, Institut für Physiologie (Nov 28, 2024).
“The interplay of synaptic and volumetric signalling during behaviour in Platynereis larvae”
Online presentation at the OIST Workshop Principles of Synapse Organization and Neural Network Regulation Gained Through Evolution (Nov 5-7, 2024).
“Neurobiology of marine zooplankton”
Presentation at the Shimoda Marine Station (Oct 15, 2024).
“Neuronal mechanism of hydrostatic pressure sensation in zooplankton”
Presentation during the 2nd NIBB-COS Heidelberg Joint Workshop at NIBB, Okazaki (Oct 8-10, 2024).
“Neurobiology of the Platynereis ciliated larva”
Online recorded presentation and slides for the “Functional Biodiversity course” at the University of Washington’s Friday Harbor Labs (August 9, 2024).
“On chemical and synaptic brains and the evolution of nervous systems”
Presentation at the School of Ideas in Neuroscience by Nencki Open Lab, Warsaw (July 15, 2024).
“Origin and evolution of animal eyes and light-guided behaviours”
Presentation at the Nencki Open Lab Academy of Neuroscience public lecture at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw (July 12, 2024).
“Insights into circuit evolution and cell-type diversity from the whole-body connectome of the Platynereis larva”
Presentation at the Euro-EvoDevo in Helsinki (June 24-28, 2024).
“The Platynereis larval connectome and diversity of sensory cells and circuits”
Presentation at the Platynereis satellite meeting at Euro-EvoDevo in Helsinki (June 24-28, 2024).
“Whole-body volume EM and synaptic connectome of a segmented marine annelid larva”
Presentation at the EMBO Lecture Course Imaging Marine Organisms Across Scales (April 9-12, 2024).
“Nitric oxide feedback to ciliary photoreceptor cells gates a UV avoidance circuit”
Presentation at the CSHL Neuronal Ciruits Conference (March 20-23, 2024).
“Mechanism of barotaxis in marine zooplankton”
Seminar at NYU (March 19, 2024).
“Sliced brains and open science”
COS Talk (March 12, 2024).
“Ciliary nanoscale superstructures”
Presentation at the 3DMM2O Winter Meeting at Schloss Neustadt (March 6, 2024).
“Regulation of the ciliary rhythm in Platynereis larvae across time scales”
Presentation at the Rhythms@Sea Symposium at Stazione Zoologica Napoli (November 6O, 2023).
“Embodied cognition in miniature brains and bodies of marine zooplankton”
Presentation at the EMBO Members’ Meeting 2023 (October 25, 2023).
“Neuronal mechanism of hydrostatic pressure sensation in zooplankton”
Presentation in the Columbia Neuroscience Seminar series (October 17, 2023).
“Embodied cognition in miniature brains and bodies of marine zooplankton”
Presentation at the Luskin Symposium Pushing the Boundaries: Neuroscience, Cognition, and Life. (June 26-27, 2023).
Watch the recorded talk here.
“Nitric-oxide-feedback to ciliary photoreceptor cells orchestrates UV avoidance in a peptidergic circuit in Platynereis”
Presentation at the Janelia Conference Neuropeptide Signaling: Bridging Cell Biology, Neurophysiology, and Behavior (April 16 - 19, 2023).
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